Why climate change is making parasitic diseases harder to predict

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Mark Booth, Newcastle University

It’s a sunny day. Look out of your window. See anything unusual flying by? Look closely. There are midges, and they are not friendly.

Some of them are carrying a virus of sheep and other animals called bluetongue. You are not personally at risk of bluetongue, but farming systems are vulnerable.

Bluetongue is a problem in many countries and, as the climate changes, is expected to spread further, particularly in central Africa, the US and western Russia. The first cases in the UK were detected in 2023.

Bluetongue is one of many infectious diseases likely to be affected by climate change. As part of the World Health Organization’s task team on climate change, malaria and neglected tropical diseases, I recently contributed to a review of climate change, malaria and over 20 neglected tropical diseases.

We found that most mathematical models pointed to global changes in the transmission of some mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue. For most other parasites, there was little or no evidence. We simply don’t know what to expect. A major issue is that climate change is creating great uncertainty in the forecasting and prediction of where and when infections might occur.

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Cinq facteurs qui rendent les effets des changements climatiques sur les océans dangereux pour notre santé

Les eaux océaniques se sont réchauffées, acidifiées et appauvries en oxygène. De plus, la surpêche et la pollution les affectent.
La Presse Canadienne/Andrew Vaughan

Tiff-Annie Kenny, Université Laval; Malaya Bishop, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa et Mélanie Lemire, Université Laval

Les humains entretiennent une relation profonde et complexe avec la mer. Elle leur fournit de la nourriture et des nutriments essentiels, des médicaments et de l’énergie renouvelable. Les gens nagent, surfent et font de la plongée sous-marine dans ce « gym bleu ». Les océans constituent même un élément important des loisirs thérapeutiques, comme la thérapie par le surf pour les anciens combattants et les enfants autistes.

L’économie est également liée à la mer. La pêche, le tourisme, la navigation et le transport maritime génèrent des emplois, des revenus et de la sécurité alimentaire, tout en soutenant la culture et d’autres déterminants sociaux de la santé.

Pour nos ancêtres comme pour nos enfants, diverses cultures humaines ainsi que de nombreux moyens de subsistance et modes de vie sont liés à la mer. Mais l’augmentation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre modifie l’océan et met notre santé en péril.

Les eaux océaniques se réchauffent, s’acidifient et s’appauvrissent en oxygène. Les écosystèmes océaniques, déjà mis à mal par la surpêche et la pollution, risquent de voir leur état empirer. Avec la fonte de la banquise, l’élévation du niveau des mers et la multiplication des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes, la santé et le bien-être des humains sont désormais confrontés à de nombreuses menaces, qui visent principalement les populations côtières.

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#Infortuni sul lavoro, che fare ? Podcast Diario Prevenzione 13 ottobre 2021 – puntata n° 90


a cura di Gino Rubini

In questo numero parliamo di:

– Incidenti su lavoro, che fare ? L’intervento in Commissione del ministro Orlando. Un percorso per ricostruire la rete dei Servizi territoriali e un coordinamento nazionale efficace e adeguato al lavoro di quest’epoca.
– Il numero di ottobre della Rivista Lavoro e Salute
– Ecoscienza numero 4 del 2021- La bonifica dei siti contaminati.
– Il vaccino contro la malaria, un passo avanti molto importante
– Travail et securitè: Il Dossier sulle radiazioni ionizzanti.
– Lunghe ore di lavoro uccidono più degli infortuni

Il rivoluzionario vaccino contro la malaria offre di rinvigorire la lotta contro la malattia

Breakthrough malaria vaccine offers to reinvigorate the fight against the disease

The first ever malaria vaccine promises to bring the battle against infections back on track.

Eunice Anyango Owino, University of Nairobi

The World Health Organization has announced a historic move: it has recommended the widespread use of the first ever malaria vaccine. The recommendation is based on the results of an ongoing pilot programme in Malawi, Ghana and Kenya. Malaria is a huge global health challenge, around 409,000 people died of malaria in 2019 alone. The WHO African region carries significant proportion of the malaria burden – 94% of all malaria cases and deaths occurred in the region. Children younger than five are the most vulnerable. Ina Skosana asked Eunice Anyango Owino to explain the development, and its significance.

It has taken 30 years. Why so long?

The most significant reason is that the malaria parasite is very complex. It has different stages; some in the mosquito and some in the human. Thus, scientists had to pursue a diversity of approaches.

For example, in the human there are two stages. These are the:

  • Pre-erythrocytic stages (sporozoite, or spore-like, stage). This is the period when the parasite’s sporozoite from a mosquito bite enters the blood stream and heads for the liver to mature and multiply after which they are then released.
  • The blood stage (Merozoite stage). This is when the parasite’s merozoites are released from the liver, and multiply in the red blood cells.

So an effective vaccine against the first stage (pre-erythroctic stage) would be one that elicits an immune response that would either prevent infection of the liver cells or lead to destruction of the infected liver cells.

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