Les émissions de CO₂ d’origine fossile ont atteint un nouveau record en 2023

Pep Canadell, CSIRO; Corinne Le Quéré, University of East Anglia; Glen Peters, Center for International Climate and Environment Research – Oslo; Judith Hauck, Universität Bremen; Julia Pongratz, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Philippe Ciais, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA); Pierre Friedlingstein, University of Exeter; Robbie Andrew, Center for International Climate and Environment Research – Oslo, and Rob Jackson, Stanford University

Les émissions mondiales de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) d’origine fossile augmenteront de 1,1 % en 2023, les portant au niveau record de 36,8 milliards de tonnes de CO2. C’est la conclusion du 18e rapport annuel du Global Carbon Project sur l’état du budget carbone mondial, que nous avons publié aujourd’hui.

Le CO2 d’origine fossile comprend les émissions provenant de la combustion et de l’utilisation des énergies fossiles (charbon, pétrole et gaz) et de la production de ciment. Si l’on tient également compte des émissions et des retraits de CO2 liés au changement d’affectation des terres, comme la déforestation et la reforestation, les activités humaines devraient même émettre 40,9 milliards de tonnes de CO2 en 2023.

La végétation et les océans continuent d’absorber environ la moitié de toutes les émissions de CO₂, mais le reste s’accumule dans l’atmosphère et provoque un réchauffement croissant de la planète.

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COP27: one big breakthrough but ultimately an inadequate response to the climate crisis

Matt McDonald, The University of Queensland

For 30 years, developing nations have fought to establish an international fund to pay for the “loss and damage” they suffer as a result of climate change. As the COP27 climate summit in Egypt wrapped up over the weekend, they finally succeeded.

While it’s a historic moment, the agreement of loss and damage financing left many details yet to be sorted out. What’s more, many critics have lamented the overall outcome of COP27, saying it falls well short of a sufficient response to the climate crisis. As Alok Sharma, president of COP26 in Glasgow, noted:

Friends, I said in Glasgow that the pulse of 1.5 degrees was weak. Unfortunately it remains on life support.

But annual conferences aren’t the only way to pursue meaningful action on climate change. Mobilisation from activists, market forces and other sources of momentum mean hope isn’t lost.

One big breakthrough: loss and damage

There were hopes COP27 would lead to new commitments on emissions reduction, renewed commitments for the transfer of resources to the developing world, strong signals for a transition away from fossil fuels, and the establishment of a loss and damage fund.

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L’inganno della decarbonizzazione basata sulla cattura e stoccaggio e uso della CO2.


Al Signor Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella

c/o Palazzo del Quirinale 00187 – Roma

Al Signor Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri

Mario Draghi c/o Palazzo Chigi 00186 – Roma

Oggetto: l’inganno della decarbonizzazione basata sulla cattura e stoccaggio e uso della CO2.

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