Mujeres están bebiendo hasta enfermarse. A la administración le preocupa el costo de la atención

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Una mañana de hace casi 10 años Karla Adkins se miró en el espejo retrovisor de su auto y advirtió que el blanco de sus ojos se había vuelto amarillo.

En ese entonces tenía 36 y trabajaba como médica de enlace para un sistema hospitalario de la costa de Carolina del Sur ayudando a fortalecer los vínculos entre los médicos.

Desde sus 20 años, había estado luchando en secreto contra el consumo excesivo de alcohol, convencida de que la ayudaba a calmar sus ansiedades.

Adkins comprendió que ese color amarillento de sus ojos era producto de la ictericia. Aun así, no imaginó que fuera posible que le diagnosticaran una enfermedad hepática relacionada con el abuso de alcohol.

“Sinceramente, mi mayor temor era que alguien me dijera que no podía volver a beber”, contó Adkins, que hoy vive en Pawleys Island, una ciudad costera a unas 30 millas al sur de Myrtle Beach.

Pero la bebida ya había afectado su salud y, menos de 48 horas después de su descubrimiento en el espejo retrovisor, Adkins fue hospitalizada por una falla hepática. “Fue muy rápido”, recordó.

Históricamente, las enfermedades vinculadas al abuso del alcohol han afectado más a los hombres. Pero datos actuales de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) muestran que las tasas de muerte por esta causa están aumentando más rápido entre las mujeres que entre los hombres.

La administración Biden considera alarmante esta tendencia. Una estimación reciente predice que, en Estados Unidos, para 2040, las mujeres representarán casi la mitad de los costos de las enfermedades hepáticas asociadas al alcohol; lo que supone un gasto total de $66,000 mil millones.

Se trata de un tema prioritario para el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) y el Departamento de Agricultura (USDA), que el año próximo publicarán juntos directrices dietéticas nacionales actualizadas.

Pero dado que el marketing de las bebidas alcohólicas se dirige cada vez más a las mujeres y que el consumo social de alcohol es ya una parte importante de la cultura estadounidense, no es un cambio que apoye todo el mundo.

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The Anthropocene already exists in our heads, even if it’s now officially not a geological epoch

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Kevin Collins, The Open University

An international subcommittee of geologists recently voted to reject a proposal to make the Anthropocene an official new geological epoch, defined by humanity’s enormous impact on the planet. Assuming some protests do not overturn the ruling, it will now take another decade for the decision to be reviewed.

That may seem a long time given climate change concerns, but it is of course far less than a blink in planetary terms. The Earth can certainly wait, even if we can’t.

But sometimes big ideas like the Anthropocene take time to find meaning in our lives and perhaps their answer. How do I know? Let me tell you a story.

Nine years ago, I was in Munich visiting friends. We went on a family outing to the Deutsche Museum, a world class celebration of technology and engineering in a vast building on an islet of the River Isar. The entrance was framed on either side by very tall vertical banners, fluttering in the breeze.

Each blue-green banner had an image of the Earth with a thumbprint overlay. And in bold white lettering, variously: “Welcome to the Anthropocene / Willkommen in Anthropozän”. The subtitle read: “The Earth in Our Hands”.

Banner saying 'Welcome to the Anthropocene'
Kevin Collins

I had to forgo the exhibition because my family wanted to see just about everything else. But even as I stood on the steps at the entrance, with my young son clutching my hand, it struck me as a curious title.

Why would anyone welcome anyone to the Anthropocene? Who would really want to go to that party? The invitation was, well, distinctly uninviting.

Why ‘welcome’?

I have thought about this troubling invitation on and off in the intervening years. Was “welcome” being ironic or even cynical perhaps – an invitation of despair and inevitability? But that contradicted the ethos of the museum and the academic Rachel Carson Centre which co-hosted the exhibition, where insight, learning and practical science are celebrated. So my question has remained: why “welcome”?

I finally realised an answer during a recent conversation with my PhD student Houda Khayame who is building on work between myself and colleague Ray Ison to explore how systems thinking and acting in the Anthropocene might improve governance of our environment. We were talking about how geologists have been searching for a “golden spike” in the mud or soil or Earth’s geological record as evidence of the Anthropocene ever since the term was popularised in 2000.

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Spanish inmates not to be automatically monitored in fear of AI Act

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Fonte : Algorithm Watch

Autore : By Martí Blancho


Spanish region Catalonia’s government approved the use of an Artificial Intelligence-based software to monitor inmates and interpret their behavior. Partially funded by the European Union, the system was to be implemented at the Mas d’Enric prison near Tarragona, a city south of Barcelona, and extended to other regional prisons. Ultimately, it wasn’t.

The halt to the system’s implementation came as a surprise even to government members. In January 2024, Catalan government’s Justice Advisor Gemma Ubasart announced in a plenary session that “the public administration could not be oblivious to the debate” around the new European regulation on Artificial Intelligence – the AI Act was ratified by the European Parliament in March – and that it was “more prudent not to continue with this project.”

Eight months earlier, the justice department had launched a pilot project in the Mas d’Enric prison and allocated 200,000 euros to the French company Inetum that was supposed to supply the software. The illustrative timeline of the public tender stated that the training phase would start in October 2023. However, the project never reached that stage.

The regional Department of Justice (DOJ) claims that the project was in a “very preliminary planning phase” and “had not yet been implemented.” In fact, there was still “a data protection impact analysis” pending when the administration began the contract termination process, as briefly explained in response to our freedom of information (FOI) request.

The DOJ did not provide further details on the algorithmic models used, the databases to which they would have access, or the data that would have been used to create the risk profiles. The department justifies its refusal on the grounds that “the program has not yet been developed,” making it seem like the administration had only a rough idea of how it would work.

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