EU-OSHA presents new OSH challenges of robotics at meeting of employment and social policy ministers



On 19 and 20 July, the Austrian EU Presidency hosted an informal meeting of employment and social policy ministers (EPSCO), gathering several EU ministers, the European Commission and the European social partners. The second day event focused on “Robotics: impact on quantity and quality of work,” and EU-OSHA Director Dr Christa Sedlatschek contributed with a presentation on the “Impact of robotics on occupational safety and health (OSH).

Dr Sedlatschek emphasised that “a proper ethical framework for robotics and artificial intelligence will set a level playing field and guarantee health and safety standards.” She added the belief that “the EU can take the lead in this field.”

EU-OSHA continuously contributes to research on new and emerging risks, most recently with its Foresight project which looks at the potential impact on OSH of digitalisation and rapid developments in information and communication technologies, including artificial intelligence and robotics.

See the presentation on the Impact of robotics on occupational safety and health (OSH)

Explore all discussion papers on the future of work and digitalisation

Find out more about EU-OSHA’s foresight on digitalisation and OSH

Check out the photos from the event