I documenti che comprovano la scelta dell’Amministrazione USA di autorizzare l’uso dell’amianto tramite il coinvolgimento dell’Agenzia EPA
Washington Post :‘Approved by Donald Trump’: Asbestos sold by Russian company is branded with the president’s face
Becky CorbettI just spent 2 years watching my spouse get tortured to death by Mesothelioma, caused by asbestos. She is 50 years old and on hospice now. We flew out of state 30 times to get treatment from 3 different cancer centers and YOU WANT TO “LIMIT” ITS USE AGAIN..? She got sick every single day. She lost 100lbs. She was never sick a day in her life until her Meso Dx, other than a common cold.
They tried to remove some of the asbestos cancer by removing the linings of her lung, diaphragm, and chest wall, leaving her 2 feet of scars and a pain that can’t even be comprehended.
Where was the “Protection” for her, from your agency.? You allowed those products in her environment. You allowed her to be indiscriminately murdered and for money.
Ho appena passato 2 anni a guardare il mio coniuge che viene torturato a morte dal mesotelioma, causato dall’amianto. Lei ha 50 anni e in ospizio ora. Siamo volati fuori dallo stato 30 volte per ottenere il trattamento da 3 diversi centri di cancro e vuoi “limitare” il suo uso di nuovo..? Si è ammalata ogni singolo giorno. Ha perso 100 kg. Non è mai stata male un giorno nella sua vita fino al suo meso dx, altro che un raffreddore comune.
Hanno cercato di togliere un po ‘ del cancro all’amianto togliendo le fodere del polmone, del diaframma, e della parete toracica, lasciando i suoi 2 metri di cicatrici e un dolore che non si può nemmeno capire.
Dov’era la “protezione” per lei, dalla tua agenzia.? hai permesso quei prodotti nel suo ambiente. Le hai permesso di essere indiscriminatamente assassinato e per i soldi.
Jillian ReddyI can’t imagine what mesothelioma patients and families feel about this!! I’m currently displaced from my home because of a botched renovation that exposed us to asbestos and it SUCKS. This horrible substances is all out banned in like 50+countries but not ours. Make America great again?
Nancy AdrianAnd while we’re at it let’s just say smoking doesn’t cause cancer according to our “scientists.”
Brian StewartWhat’s next? Are we going to put lead back into paint and gasoline? Maybe we can start using DDT again while we’re at it.
Nancy Christine WinneA ban on further installation of asbestos products would protect citizens from further exposure of this known hazardous material. Mesothelioma knows no boundaries and is a horrible way to die! The OSHA rules for handling of found asbestos in old constr…Altro…
Bobcat SmithMy father had Mesothelioma. He, of course, is dead now. God is blasting a new circle of hell for the creators of this policy. I hope my dad will be able to look down and see you in it.
Doug Swansonlet’s get lead put back in the paint too while we’re at it. EPA is not protecting the environment, nor the people. EPA is protecting big business, and profits. Below-zero credibility at this point.
Esilarante, vergognoso, trasparente, e folle. Tutti allo stesso tempo. Cmq, chi ha fatto quelle domande? Sono venuti tutti da Donald Trump non è vero?
Oh, cavolo! Che modo di farla girare, Wheeler! Stai permettendo che le nuove applicazioni dell’amianto vengano usate quando prima di essere automaticamente sbarrate.
Amianto e carbone! Quali altri dinosauri pericolosi ti si?
Kitty Deames BurgettI am angry to the point of tears at Trump’s effort to lift the ban on asbestos. In 1990, my husband died of mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos. The hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life was to sit down with my five year old and tell her th…Altro…
È come il processo di revisione della fcc dove l’hai astroturf con “i ❤️amianto con la mia torta di mele, americano americana”- risposte di stile?
Voi-tutti siete spazzatura in questo momento. Ti chiederei di fare di meglio, ma non ho i rubli per prendere l’orecchio.
Clara OliverAre we going to be importing the stuff from Russia that actually has the dictator’s face on it? Or will it be locally sourced cancer?
Stephanie KirbyYou people pushing your agenda of corporate profits over people, environment, and common sense, should be beyond ashamed of yourselves, but ironically I’m sure you are all quite proud. There is no amount of decency in your hearts and minds….what happened to you, as human beings, to turn out this way?? History will not be kind to you. You all are taking us in exactly the wrong direction.
….”Agenzia per l’inquinamento ambientale”.
In ogni caso questo è il mio nuovo titolo per la tua agenzia criminale.
Jeremy ShipleyTrump’s EPA got rid of a guy for tally bribes from lobbyists and replaced him with….. a lobbyist. You can’t make this up. EPA should be canceling and reviewing every Pruitt decision, poisoned by his acknowledged corruption.
Karen Artl RossiterThe fact that you would even CONSIDER its use is preposterous. Ever see someone suffer with mesothelioma? This lunacy coming from Trump needs to stop!
Marcia CooperLimiting??? Cancer is not “limiting”.
Tory Jones JacksonWhat are you nuts? how about a ban on asbestos? Come on!
Chris ToscanoDisgraceful. But the crows will come home to roost for the swamp monsters. The wheels of justice turn slowly but they are relentless.
This is a Joke.
Are You serious ?
Questa è una battuta.
Ma dici sul serio?