Trade union initiatives to support improved safety and health in micro and small firms:

Pubblichiamo questo importante Rapporto di Ricerca che abbiamo tratto dal sito dell’Istituto del Pais Valenciano ISTAS.

Union Prevention Agents (TUPAs) in four EU Member States
David Walters, Kaj Frick and Emma Wadsworth

October 2018

A report of the European comparative analysis undertaken as part of a project led by Instituto Sindical de Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud (ISTAS) and developed in cooperation with Fondazione Di Vittorio,the Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre (Cardiff University) and NSZZ Solidarność

The project presented in this report was funded by the European Commission (VP/2016/004 Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations) and could not have been completed without this support. It was led by Instituto Sindical de Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud (ISTAS) from Spain and developed in
cooperation with Fondazione Di Vittorio from Italy, the Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre at Cardiff University in the UK and NSZZ Solidarność from Poland.
The report is an analysis based on a wide review of relevant research literature and five national studies of current practice, each of which was produced by individuals and members of research teams from each of the participating countries. Thus, Daniele Di Nunzio of the Fondazione Di Vittorio, was responsible for a report on Italy that is the basis of Chapter 4;

Claudia Narocki and Valeria Uberti-Bona from the Instituto Sindical de Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud (ISTAS) were responsible for providing the information on Spain that is the basis of Chapter 5;
while Kaj Frick produced a report on which he based Chapter 6 on Sweden; and David Walters and Emma Wadsworth from the Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre at Cardiff University in the UK, gathered the information on the UK on which they base Chapter 7.
In addition, we are grateful to Agnieszka Mińkowska of NSZZ Solidarność for the information on Poland.
Many people, too numerous to mention individually, in all the countries on which the project focused, collaborated by giving us their time and information. We are most grateful for their participation and the information thus provided.
While we thank all those who have supported this project, responsibility for the analysis and conclusions presented in this report remains that of its authors.

Final report TUPAs project.pdf

(brochure 120 pagine)

Dal Blog International Ban Asbestos Secretariat : Il futuro è qui

FONTE International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS)
18 gennaio 2019

Il futuro è qui!

Nelle ultime ore del 2018, è entrato in vigore il tanto atteso divieto di amianto in Canada, in passato il più grande produttore al mondo di amianto. In un colpo solo, il discorso globale sull’amianto è cambiato per sempre; non era più questione di se i paesi avrebbero agito sul pericolo dell’amianto ma quando lo avrebbero fatto.

Il fatto che l’amianto sia ancora usato in molte parti del mondo, nonostante tutto ciò che è noto sui suoi effetti mortali sull’uomo e sull’ambiente, costituisce uno scandalo di proporzioni epiche, con un massimo di 300.000 persone che muoiono ogni anno da un rapporto evitabile legato all’amianto malattie. 1 Questo equivale a spazzare via ogni anno una città delle dimensioni di Cordoba, Spagna, Cincinnati, Stati Uniti o Canberra, in Australia.

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